One thing we do at Marketing TEA exceptionally well (if I might say so myself) is taking the time to re-evaluate all of our marketing strategies! Marketing strategy is fun because we get to try new things all the time. There are new platforms that arise, new ways to advertise, and new ways to connect with your audience through up-and-coming features. But with all of the experimentation, it is important to learn how to examine and understand what is working for your business and bringing you a return on your investment.
There are times when your marketing strategies may not be performing as well as you anticipated, but you may not realize this until the campaign has ended. That is not ideal! We like to evaluate the performance while that current marketing campaign is running so we can make adjustments where necessary to make it a successful one.
It is important to look at all the pieces of your marketing strategy independently to see where your campaigns are working and where they are not. Let me explain this in more detail. Recently, we launched a new campaign for a client that consisted of a new landing page, Facebook advertising, and email automation.
This means we had three pieces that we needed to look at and evaluate whether they were all converting or if there was a break in the funnel. If we only looked at one area like the Facebook ads and saw that they were receiving INCREDIBLE results with high click-through rates and low cost per click, then we wouldn’t have realized that even though the ads were performing well, there was a mismatch somewhere between because we weren’t seeing the email signups to back up the ad results.
Looking at every piece after a certain period allowed us to make changes to the campaign to yield the results we were looking for. That meant we needed to see what needed to change in order to make the landing page more direct about what we wanted the audience to do.
Attribution can be hard to assess when it comes to marketing because we don’t always have the cold hard data. In fact, we RARELY have realistic data to rely on. Even when we ask ‘How did you hear about us?’ in a routine client survey, chances are that only some of the answers will be exactly accurate. Sometimes it is important to try to identify if a campaign is resonating with people and inspiring action, but how can we do that?
Because reevaluating your marketing is so important, we created a specific system called the Custom TEA Blend where we look at all of our strategies for each client quarterly to determine the best plan of action to get the best results. This evaluation strategy allows our clients’ marketing to evolve and change with their business and adapt quickly to the ever-changing digital world.
If you feel like this is all A LOT to think about, we totally get it! We would love to help you take some of this off your plate so you can focus on your passions and we can focus on building strong, effective marketing strategies for you.