How to Use Swag

How to Use SWAG

Are you using swag correctly for your business? When done right, you can really make a BIG impact with your promotional items, but it can be just as easy to do the exact opposite! In case you are more of an audio-type person, we did an episode all about this on our podcast, Socially Unstable Podcast, where you can learn how to use swag in the best way possible. 

If you are more of a reader, then keep on reading 😎

SWAG is basically the fun way to say ‘promotional products.’


These branded products are usually given to employees, customers, and potential customers to increase brand awareness and recognition. Everyone loves getting little gifts, so it is a great way to encourage people to shop or promote your business. 

However, like we mentioned above, it can be really easy to do swag wrong! There are many promotional items like keychains, pens, or unusable cups that can kind of do the opposite in terms of encouraging awareness and recognition. Sometimes these items might be the most cost-effective, but cheap isn’t always the best tactic. 

You might be able to get more bang for your buck, or so you think, but in reality, you will have a ton of product that no one wants or uses, so it just gets thrown away or sits there collecting dust. Now, how is that helping people see your logo when it is just sitting on shelves or in trash cans? 

When you invest in useful swag, you are investing in your marketing and your people. Your team and customers will see that these are unique, high-quality products which makes them feel valued and more likely to use them in the future! You never want to compromise your brand’s image. That is why a cheaper version of products will do more harm than good.

So, how do you pick the right kind of swag? Well, here are our three best tips! 

  1. Think about what people will actually use/wear
  2. Make it unique 
  3. Relate it back to your business


A great example of this that we did at Marketing TEA was with our phone tripods! We’ve given away all types of swag, but this one was a particular win because it hit all three of those tips. Phone tripods are useful to our clients and potential clients because everyone needs a tripod but never seems to have one handy. It is one of those things that we never think to purchase but always needs, and it sure beats balancing your phone on a stack of books. It was unique because there are not many companies out there that are giving that away. AND it was related to our business. It started a conversation about creating video content. We are a marketing company after all! 

This made it the perfect swag item for us because people were inclined to use it and it was actually useful for them. Every time they got out their new tripod to record something, they saw our sticker and were instantly reminded of us, and that is exactly what you want too! 


A note on clothing: Clothes can be a great option for swag, but you need to know that if you are giving away somewhat average clothing, it may be valued by your team but will rarely be valued by potential customers. We usually advise that clothing be used only for internal swag. There are always better options for swag for clients or potential clients. 


Use your intuition, think deeply about what your clients or potential clients could actually use that truly relates to your brand, and invest in something of quality that people will have a hard time getting rid of, which makes your company STICKY in their mind.

Hopefully, this little breakdown has helped you think about your company’s swag and maybe given you an idea for something fun to give out in the future! If you ever find yourself in need of a little help with your marketing or some solid swag ideas, you know where to find us!