It’s been quiet around here at Marketing TEA… Too quiet… And we’re sure you’ve noticed and have been missing our typically entertaining content, useful information, and hilarious videos! Well, we’re glad to update you all that it has all been for some amazing reasons that we can finally share. Marketing TEA has officially gone completely MOBILE!

Over the last few months, we have been gearing up for some huge changes, the start of which was the wedding of Marketing TEA owners Tyler & Andrea – aren’t they just adorable?

Marketing TEA Tyler & Andrea Wedding

But a wedding wasn’t enough for these two. For quite some time, Tyler & Andrea have spent the majority of their time traveling to our amazing clients all over the USA to gather incredible content; filming & photographing at a breakneck pace. In case you didn’t notice, we make quite a few videos about it. For anyone who has never spent 50% of their time on the road traveling for business, it’s not something we recommend picking up as a habit. Not only does the cycle of home > airport > hotel > airport > home > airport > hotel > etc start to affect the traveler, it somehow also starts to slow down how Marketing TEA can grow and change! 

In classic fashion, Tyler & Andrea have reverse engineered the problem to become what we expect to be Marketing TEA’s greatest advantage. Rather than spend 50% of your time on the road, how about spending 100%? That’s right, these two have made the change to a full time lifestyle on the road – traveling all over the country dedicated to creating incredible content with incredible businesses!

Now that they’ve had a chance for a quick honeymoon, Tyler & Andrea have rejoined the rest of the incredible Marketing TEA team to launch this brand new era for our business. We kindly encourage you to keep your eyes out for some spectacular new content, travels, projects, and much more to come. 

Interested in getting your business on our map of travels? Want to reach a whole new level with your marketing? Send us a note and let’s have a chat!

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