A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
I am sure you have heard the phrase ‘quality over quantity.’ That phrase is applicable in so many ways, especially in the marketing world, and definitely apt when it comes to pictures.
In today’s world, we know your target market’s attention span is fleeting. People take a quick look at your photo, and then they are onto the next one in a matter of seconds. To stand out from the crowd, you need to have content that grabs attention and keeps it. One way to do that is to have quality pictures.
Quality Pictures, of course, means high-quality images that are taken in good light, on a nice camera, with great composition; but there is more to it than that.
If your brand is all about babies, but you post occasional images of dogs, then you may not be representing and reinforcing your brand. You are confusing your message to your audience. If they followed you to learn about baby tips or products, and they see your post about dogs, they may unfollow or, worse, become annoyed and not support your business anymore. Consistency is always key.
Is there anything worse than stock photography? That depends on who you ask, but if you ask me, there is a time and place for stock photography, and your social media presence is not one of them. It may be a high-quality image in terms of looks, but it doesn’t represent you. It isn’t personal, and it definitely won’t help you stand out from everyone else when everyone else can also use that exact same photo. Marketing TEA is killing the game when it comes to content marketing and creating content that shows your audience who you are. Our photo production process will take your brand to a new level. I guarantee it!
High-quality photos will make your brand more appealing. People quickly make up their minds about a business based on their social media profiles. Clear, detailed images are proven to be more reliable and professional. Research shows that low-quality content sets a tone and reputation that your brand is not professional and not passionate about your product.
When your target audience comes to your page, the goals are for them to feel connected to your brand and then decide to work with you. Having a high-quality photo can make that happen. Ready to ramp up your content? It all starts with a message!