Post Pandemic Business Plans | Spill the TEA With Kenzie

There has been plenty of talk lately about what your business should be doing during the COVID-19 pandemic, but what about after? There is sure to be enormous change in many businesses and markets based on how consumers interact with brands and each other as we start to emerge from quarantine.

The stay-at-home orders have caused a rise in eCommerce by around 108%, as well as increases in daily usage for Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. What does this mean for your business? Well, I think it is safe to say that post-pandemic life will not look like it did pre-COVID-19. In order for your brand to succeed, you need to start incorporating new ways of doing things into your business right away. And I have just the thing for you to focus on: content marketing

If you look around at the brands you are inspired by, they all have one thing in common; they are providing trust! During times like this pandemic, we all want to feel a sense of comfort and relief. By gaining and strengthening your audience’s trust in you right now, you will solidify that relationship for years to come, turning followers into loyal customers. Content marketing through the form of videography and photography is a fantastic way to inspire that trust. 


With the spike in daily usage across all social media platforms, creating videos is key. Videos are one of the most effective content formats available. They make a strong connection between your brand and your audience almost immediately. Not to mention, video feels 100% authentic and does a great job at pulling the audience in and helping them feel connected to your company. There are many ways to use video content effectively like creating long-form videos that tell personal stories about your team members, breaking down the barrier so they feel like you are their BFF or using user-generated content from previous customers or clients to share authentic messages to build trust.   


Photography is another strong form of content marketing that clearly shows your audience who you are. Easily worth 1000 words, sometimes more! Consumers rely heavily on your photos to see what your brand is about. “Do I like their facility?” “Do I like their services or products?” Good brands tell exceptional stories through their images. 

It all comes down to human connection. That is why this pandemic has been so hard for most people to begin with. Connecting with one another is a basic human need. Brands should be looking at how they can respectfully capitalize on this moment by using impactful content marketing to build trust and authenticity in everything that they do. If you need help with leveling up your content marketing, I’ve got just the team for you! Send us a message, to put your brand on top as we all start to find our ‘new normal.’  

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