Timing is everything with Twitter, which means there is a RIGHT and a WRONG time to use it. That’s why we want to talk about the best times to use Twitter for midwives and doulas.

Twitter and Instagram are SO often underused by businesses, which truly upsets us because these social media platforms allow you to communicate quickly, in REAL TIME! This is the new standard. When people want to learn more about your business and brand, they check out your social media accounts. That means, if you are not using Twitter (or Instagram) you are missing out on INCREDIBLE engagement opportunities.

Twitter is an AMAZING platform for content because (unlike with almost EVERY other platform) you can really never post too much. In fact, there are so many different sources pushing content that it’s actually important to communicate a lot so you don’t get lost in the shuffle. The pace is fast; it’s almost like you are having a real conversation with your audience. And guess what…you are!

Based on this source here are all the statistics you NEED for posting on Twitter:

Depending on your time commitment, your willingness to learn, and the complexity of your business and website, you may decide you need an expert to handle things for you – and you guessed it, that’s where we come in. You may not have time to keep up with the fast moving pace of Twitter while growing your brand, but we do.

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