We touched BRIEFLY on the concept of ‘content marketing’ in our latest Cup of TEA video, but NOW we want to tell you a little bit more about what we mean when we say that content marketing for doulas and midwives could change your business FOREVER. Here’s the basic idea: Content marketing is anything (ANYTHING!) that you create (like photos, videos, and text) and distribute through your delivery system (like your blog/website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) You get the idea. It’s anything that engages your community in a conversation about what it is that you do as a midwife, a doula, or a birth center pro.

Content marketing is RIDICULOUSLY important for a number of reasons, and because we LOVE lists we decided to break it down in list form for you:

We hope we’ve made it clear that content marketing is crucial for growing your brand and your business. If you have been on the fence about starting a blog or getting a website, NOW is the time. Let 2017 be the year of content and just WATCH how it transforms your business!

Depending on your time commitment, your willingness to learn, and the complexity of your business and website, you may decide you need an expert to handle things for you – and you guessed it, that’s where we come in. Now, let’s talk about your new content strategy!


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