Midwives, Doulas, and birth center pros – So, you’ve got a blog. YAY! Blogging is the crucial first step in engaging with search engine optimization (SEO) for your natural birth business. A midwife blog, a doula blog, a birth center blog, whoever you are, and however you plan on using your blog, we want to talk to you about writing the best blog content for your natural birth blog.

Content is king! At least that’s what most marketing professionals (including us!) will tell you. Blogs are an EXCELLENT place to feature your best content! (AND they are EXTREMELY beneficial for SEO) Posting content on your blog is a good way to avoid super long posts on social media AND it brings people to your website. Social media is GREAT for short posts, links, photos, and videos, but it should NOT be used to write lengthy pieces of content. That’s where your blog comes in…

Today we want to share our TOP do’s and don’ts of blog content:

If you don’t have the time or tools to write your own blog content, if you’re looking for help optimizing your content for SEO, or if you’re looking to discover your own voice and brand, that’s where we come in. We offer marketing packages for EVERYONE from a single doula all the way up to a busy birthing center. Let’s chat!

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