Birth Centers and Technology: Marketing TEA Lessons from AABC Birth Institute 2023
One of our favorite events of the year, Marketing TEA (and our new IT & Cybersecurity division MT Safeguard) attended the American Association of Birth Centers Birth Institute 2023. Networks were networked, swag was given out liberally, presentations were presented, and, as usual, Marketing TEA had a great time connecting with our birth center clients and clients-to-be, birth center owners and administrators, midwives, and other supporters of the birth center world. We thought we’d share a few of our experiences and thoughts coming out of the conference for anyone who missed it – particularly the session I (Tyler) presented all about birth centers and technology!
This isn’t our first time at the AABC conference of course, we’ve been there for years, and it’s something we look forward to each year. We work in a unique industry, it’s small but mighty, and of course, it’s spread all over the country. So the chance to see our clients and community all in one place is an absolute pleasure.
But the real bonus for us is that so much of the conference is focused on learning and teaching sustainability for birth centers. Of course, there is plenty of clinical focus throughout the conference, but there is just as much attention paid to the administrative side of things. We’ve always been here to help strengthen the business side of birth centers because we know that a strong and sustainable business is the key to growing midwifery care in the US.
Of course we enjoyed participating as a vendor to speak to birth centers about our options for marketing with Marketing TEA and this year also unveiling our new IT & Cybersecurity division MT Safeguard. And once again this year, Tyler had the chance to present a session, this time speaking on the topic of birth centers and technology: diving into some big technology ideas and developments that are going to impact midwifery care in the years to come. We’ll soon be publishing some notes from the session for all those who couldn’t make it to the conference this time around.
If you were able to join us, then we were very pleased to see you and speak with you. And if you couldn’t make it this time around, maybe we’ll see you there in 2024! If you are a midwife or birth center administrator, what topic would you want to hear Tyler speak about next year?