Midwifery IT & Cybersecurity: A New Age for Midwifery Technology

Usually our blogs are chalk full of marketing information for midwives & birth centers, but today, we’ve got something shiny and new and exciting to talk about! For 7 years, Marketing TEA has been providing exceptional marketing services to the midwifery industry. In that time, we’ve seen the job of ‘marketing’ come to encompass a huge amount of technical knowledge. 

More and more, we’ve been supporting our midwives and birth centers in an IT capacity out of necessity. We’ve seen time and time again how our clients desperately needed an IT service and a cybersecurity strategy that was customized to their needs – in the exact same way that they’ve needed marketing that understood and served the midwifery model of care. 

Well, the big news is this: Marketing TEA is proud to unveil our new division: MT Safeguard – here to provide the very best in Midwifery IT & Cybersecurity. 

In future blogs, we’ll share some of the knowledge and information that MT Safeguard will be releasing online. And guess what? MT Safeguard (just like Marketing TEA and all of our clients) will be a powerhouse of content marketing. We’ll be sharing so much knowledge and advice absolutely free on the MT Safeguard website, social media (Facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn, and YouTube. So if you’re curious what we’ll be getting up to, make sure to follow along. 

Why does a midwifery practice need custom IT and Cybersecurity? Or, why does a birth center need custom IT and Cybersecurity?

In the midwifery world, managing Protected Health Information (PHI), medical records, and even protecting your HR data and proprietary business information can often come as a secondary concern to providing amazing midwifery care, and understandably so! Nevertheless, protecting natural birth in your community means protecting your practice or birth center’s data. 

Marketing TEA has spent so much time behind the scenes with our midwifery and birth center clients providing some level of IT support, but it has never been enough. We want to see your practice thrive, but where our marketing stops and your care starts, we’ve seen too many times the dangers of ineffective IT solutions in this industry. We’re here to end that trend. We want to see midwifery care safe and secure in their whole practice.

What Midwifery IT and Cybersecurity services will MT Safeguard provide?

In the same way that we’ve always applied a custom approach to our marketing clients, MT Safeguard will provide custom solutions based on the IT needs of our midwifery clients. Some things will be consistent across the board: all of your devices should be protected, all hardware supported, you’ll have 24/7 monitoring to keep you protected and to keep systems running, and you’ll have direct access to a team of professionals who will solve your every little technical issue. 

MT Safeguard: Midwifery IT & Cybersecurity – Birth Center IT & Cybersecurity

Our CEO Tyler Hixson will be attending the upcoming AABC Birth Institute 2023 both to speak with industry leaders about MT Safeguard and to present a full session on: New Technologies And The Birth Industry – How Big Tech Will Disrupt Medical Care

We hope to see you at this conference to take a deep dive with Tyler into technology and the birth industry! But if you won’t be able to make it, don’t worry, Marketing TEA will drop plenty of free info direct from the conference all about this exciting new topic. 

We hope your IT is as strong as your marketing.

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